Our way of life
Describing a single profile of a Jesuit is a challenging task, as the Society is rich with diversity. Each Jesuit’s life takes on its own unique form, shaped by the Ignatian charism and the individuality of each person. Here is one possible way to understand our identity, a reflection of the concrete reality that unfolds in each of our lives.
Passionate about the Gospel
From the very beginning, we have been called to follow Jesus Christ closely. We have dedicated our lives to the mission of the Church, wherever we are sent, because as Jerónimo Nadal, one of the first Jesuits, said: “The world is our home.” At the heart of every action, intention, and endeavour lies the proclamation of Christ, who died and rose again (cf. Spiritual Exercises 46). This passion for the Gospel drives everything we do.
Free and available in Christ
We renounce worldly possessions as if they were our own, dedicating our talents, energy, and freedom to the service of the Gospel. In doing so, we bring God’s Kingdom into the present, right here and now. Our fourth vow of obedience to the Pope for mission work signifies the unique nature of the Society: a total willingness to serve the Church wherever the Pope sends us (cf. General Congregation 35, decree 4).
Servants of the Lord in the Church
As men of the Church, we are committed to serving the world through it. Each of us offers our willingness to carry out Christ’s universal mission. Together with the Church, we are called to walk, constantly discerning what our specific contribution can be.
Members of one body
From the very beginning, Ignatius and the first companions discerned the Society as an “apostolic body.” As part of it, we work together towards a single goal: the greater glory of God. We are mission-oriented, diverse, but united; structured, yet agile; anchored to our Ignatian traditions, but creative in responding to the world’s needs. Our aim is always to be as effective as we can in our work.
As Companions of Jesus, we have chosen to focus our mission on four priorities for this decade, known as the “Universal Apostolic Preferences” (UAPs). These priorities shape our identity and our work as men who walk alongside the poor, point others to God, care for our common home, and, together with young people, build a hopeful future.
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Jesuits in everyday life
Obedience, chastity and poverty
Each Jesuit, whether priest or brother, is called to honor the three vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Three fundamental keys to understanding our relationship with the world.

What to do
If you think joining the Society of Jesus might be your calling, here are some tips for your discernment.