A space for the youth in Rome

Opening the church and facilities of Sant’Andrea al Quirinale to young people, giving them a place, a home where they can experience acceptance, an atmosphere of friendship and familiarity, gain experience and grow in human and spiritual formation.
This is the aim of the two proposals put forward by the Jesuits: “Sunday Mass at 7pm, open to all and not rushed” explains Fr Andrea Picciau, project leader and coordinator of the Mag+s network. “A well thought out liturgy, and after the homily, there’s a period of silence to interiorize the Word listened to and then freely shared in the prayer of the faithful”. After the Eucharistic meal, a fraternal meal together.
On Wednesdays, a series of modules began, which seek to bring together the needs and desires of different groups of young people.
In recent months the pathway “Four questions to live by” has been proposed. “These are questions that emerge from Scripture,” emphasises Picciau, “Who are you? Where do you dwell? What is your thirst? Questions that we are continually called upon to answer in order to build our lives, explored in greater depth with insights or lectio”.
About fifty young people took part in the proposal. A second module of four meetings is planned for January.
For further information: picciau.a@gesuiti.it