At Gonzaga the Agora of Equality

Networking, quality of education, synodality and care of vulnerable children are some key words that are at the roots of the Agora of Equality in Sicily. This organisation is made up of schools that embrace equality. They share resources, offer formation and have representatives at political and religious institutions that bring together all the various associations.
Last May 26 the different realities met at the Gonzaga Institute in Palermo with the Regional Councils of the associations representing the numerous schools of equality of Sicily. FIDAE, FISM, CIOFS/Scuola FMA, AGESC, CNOS, Fondazione Gesuiti Educazione and CDO Opere Educative discussed the “hot” issues that affect the education of the younger generations today.
The schools that embrace equality were born from an educational observation at the needs of children, teenagers and young people who, today, are increasingly complex and also strongly marked by the recent pandemic experience. For an increasingly adequate response to these needs, therefore, it is necessary to create educational alliances between schools that share the same “vision” and “mission” and with the more than 40,000 families with whom these educational institutions come into contact every day and with whom educational agreements are launched.
This is a wealth, therefore, of educational relationships that the schools have the opportunity to create and which have made this equality their precise purpose, and not merely of giving a good education, the associations state. Schools of equality are a treasure for our Region and, during this time, of educational emergency, we can only welcome the educational experience of all, without ideological partisanship because the younger generations are the common good, around whom, those who deal with the public and the Kingdom of God, must meet to capture today’s educational needs.