“Behold your brothers and sisters”: Pietre Vive international meeting

“The first days of May saw the conclusion of the Pietre Vive international meeting in which almost 200 young people were involved from all over the world during a weekend full of testimonies, visits and meetings.
Naples, the venue of the even, welcomed the different communities from many European and non-European counties a the Gesu Nuovo, who delved ino the theme of hospitality, chosen ad hoc for the year 2023, under many aspects.
The days were marked by a large number of workshops of all kinds, from philosophy to art, from juvenile detention to folk and classical dance as a form of acceptance of one’s own body.
The event ended with a great feast in which one could experience joy and brotherhood, but not before getting to know artistically the churches where the Neapolitan Pietre Vive carry out their service, visiting the oldest preserved baptistery still standing in the West, and walking on the beach of the archaeological park of Cumae to discover the pagan roots, being certain that, in the shadow of Vesuvius, between a sfogliatella and a painting by Caravaggio, some brothers and sisters have certainly found each other (Mk 3:31-34).