Centro Astalli annual report: “Hospitality creates future”

The 2023 Annual Report of the Jesuit Refugee Service in Italy ‘Centro Astalli’, presented on April 13th 2023 in Rome, shows that as many as 18,000 persons benefited from the 8 organisations that form part of their territorial network in 2022, including 10,000 in Rome.
There were over 700 volunteer workers, with 46,313 distributed meals, and meetings with a total of 27,855 students in the framework of educational projects on the right to asylum and inter-religious dialogue, carried out in 18 Italian cities.
Of the 1,308 people welcomed by the Centro Astalli network, 240 were integrated into community-based semi-independent programmes in cooperation with religious congregations. In 2022, 105,129 migrants arrived in Italy by sea, 13,386 of whom were unaccompanied minors. At the end of the year, 107,677 migrants were included in the migrant reception system. Another 170,000 arrived from Ukraine.