
You can choose to support a specific fund:
Formation Fund to support the formation of young Jesuits, with steps in different countries of the world
Welfare Fund for the needs of elderly Jesuits and those who require special care
Works Fund to support various activities in our Province: with the poor and the excluded, schools, churches, cultural centers, with youth, and to support networks and initiatives promoted by the Province
Foundations Fund for constructions or renovations, for kickstarting new activities, or for particularly large expenses that cannot be covered by individual communities and works.
Bank transfer
Banca Popolare di Sondrio
Agency no. 11 in Rome
Via Carlo Alberto 6/A – 00185 Rome
IBAN: IT66 H056 9603 2000 0001 0483 X17
Account holder::
Provincia d’Italia della Compagnia di Gesù
Via degli Astalli, 16 – 00186 Rome
Direct debit on account
By going to your branch and providing our bank details, you can set up a monthly donation with a fixed amount.
In this way you will be able to offer stable and constant support to the work of the Jesuits in Albania, Italy, Malta and Romania.
La Compagnia di Gesù
Nel 1540 Ignazio di Loyola fondò la Compagnia di Gesù per aiutare gli altri a cercare e trovare Dio nella propria vita. Dai primi 10 compagni, oggi i gesuiti sono più di 16 mila in 100 paesi. Ogni gesuita è chiamato a vivere i voti di obbedienza, per il bene degli altri, castità, relazioni gratuite, e povertà, puntando all’essenziale.