European Treasurers and the ecological imprint

Numbers, percentages, rates of growth, long-term trends, sustainability, best practices were shared in Paris during the third week of November at the meeting of European Treasurers. This time the focus was not only income and expenditure, financial funds and investment but mainly temperatures and CO2, energy sources, food, modes of transport, air conditioning of buildings and everything related to the ecological transition.
The EUM Province was repreresented by the Treasurer Luciano Larivera SJ and the Treasury Director Berardino Guarino.
Xavier de Bénazé SJ, Delegate for Ecological Transition, led the group into an exercise of awareness raising about the threats and challenges of climate change. Starting from Laudato Si’ he provided systematic reliable information about the changes that are taking place and where they can take us. Through a couple of games, each one was involved in a reflection about causes and consequences of the many effects of human activity on the ecological balance of the planet and about the available ways to minimize that impact. A tool to measure the carbon imprint of communities developed by JESC and already tested in the EOF province was also explained.
We also examined concrete examples of addressing ecological transition reported by ECE, HIB, BRI and EOF. One of the sessions focused also on ethical investments, especially on the impact they may have in promoting a more environment friendly use of financial resources.
Very often treasurers like to point out with the intention of trying to educate others, that we must not forget that every decision has financial implications. This time, they realized more than ever, that any decision has climate consequences, serious consequences for every person on the planet in the present and in the future.
There was time to pray and share about the Treasurer’s mission, for a few walks around Paris by night, and for a visit to Montmartre which culminated with the celebration of the Eucharist in the Crypt of St. Denis, where in 1534 Ignatius and his first Companions pronounced their vows. Finally, a word of gratitude was expressed for the hospitality of the EOF and for Franck Delorme, its Treasurer.
Herminio Rico SJ, JCEP Socius and Treasurer