“What a Passion!” – The EYM 2024 National Conference

Under the large tent of the John XXIII Centre in Frascati, 550 young people between the ages of 10 and 25 gathered from all over Italy, as well as from Malta, Albania and Brussels.
The meetings of the youngest children, “Ragazzi Nuovi”, were supervised and accompanied by Fr. Marco Coló and a creative and tireless secretariat composed of the older children from Turin and Apulia.
The C14 Junior Assemblies were led by Ludovica Fadda, Cagliari Director, and Leonardo Angius, SJ; the C14 Senior Assemblies were led by Filippo Carlomagno, SJ and Federico Parise, SJ. The first year PRE-Ts were led by Fr. Narciso Sunda with Fr. Michele Papaluca.
Through listening to the Word of God, personal and communal prayer, group dynamics and workshops, sharing, Eucharistic adoration, vigils and Masses celebrated together, the girls and boys present were able to discover how their most beautiful passions, the deepest desires of their hearts, already dwell in the Heart of Jesus, who strengthens and fulfills them to make each one the wonderful person that God has always intended them to be.
The conclusion of this conference was very special: Fr. Roberto Del Riccio, EUM Provincial, celebrated the closing Mass during which Fr. Michele Papaluca, EYM Vice-National Director and Regional Director for Campania and Sardinia, pronounced the final vows. It was an emotional and participatory moment, an occasion to thank the Lord once again for the many precious gifts that people have received and continue to receive through the Movement.
La conclusione di questo convegno è stata davvero speciale: Padre Roberto Del Riccio, Provinciale della Provincia Euro-mediterranea ha celebrato la messa finale in cui ha emesso gli ultimi voti Padre Michele Papaluca, vice Responsabile nazionale del MEG e Responsabile regionale di Campania e Sardegna. Un momento emozionante e partecipato, occasione per dire ancora una volta grazie al Signore per i molti doni preziosi che, attraverso il Movimento, le persone hanno ricevuto e continuano a ricevere.