Malta: how the Jesuits create space for young people

The decision was taken a few years ago. To renovate the Jesuit residence ‘Dar Manwel Magri’, located next to the University of Malta, which currently has five Jesuits, the ground floor was refurbished and repurposed into a student hub. The project has been successful, and the house is constantly used by many students who come to study, socialise, prepare group work, cook and relax. Many CLC communities of young adults have been formed through the work and outreach at Dar Manwel Magri and the University Chaplaincy, offering long-term Ignatian formation, and several of these groups meet at Dar Manwel Magri for their weekly meetings.
This is where Fr Sosa stops to share lunch with the community. “For the students, it is synonymous with home” explains Fr Patrick Magro, chaplain. “Many are involved in supporting the work of the Jesuits and the lay chaplaincy team”. The house is also used for live-ins, especially for groups receiving formation for voluntary work, and for community-living experiences, such as preparation for the Easter liturgies.
A residence experience with young adults and Jesuits
Part of the first floor is now being refurbished to accommodate a group of six students for a pilot project: a long-term community residence experience where young adults will live together and with the Jesuit community, and while they continue with their work and studies they will also receive formation in leadership and discernment.
The University Chaplaincy: “home, for life-changing encounters”
In the afternoon, a visit to the university chapel, run by the Jesuits for decades, synonymous with a place of welcome for hundreds of students and staff of all faiths and denominations, and even for many who appertain to no faith at all.
“A persons encounter with God is many times facilitated by a welcoming and loving encounter with someone” Fr. Sosa pointed out during the omely. “The environment over here is one where a person who is seeking immediately feels at home and happy. This first encounter then leads to further meaningful encounters which eventually become life-changing”.
The Chaplain, Fr Patrick Magro SJ, and his team are a constant presence, accompanying many on an individual basis or through group meetings as well as organising countless events which bring people together, offering formation, friendship and a sense of community on campus. Activities include hikes, bonfires, free Wednesday lunches and retreats, and opportunities to join Bible study groups, CLC communities, guided prayer weeks and retreats are ongoing. About one hundred students each year take part in volunteer summer experiences organised by the Chaplaincy in Egypt, Ethiopia, Naples, Cagliari, Albania and Malta. A group also makes the pilgrimage to Santiago. Finally, the Chaplaincy welcomes and assists the vulnerable, the homeless and those seeking support at various levels, including a food bank supplied by donations.
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