Fr. Paul Pace elected Procurator

The Jesuits present at the Province Congregation held in Ariccia between 17 and 21August, elected Fr. Paul Pace as Procurator and Fr. Jean-Paul Hernandez as his substitute.
Born in Malta in 1953, Fr. Paul joined the Frascati novitiate in 1977. He carried out his Regency in Moshi, Tanzania and studied moral theology at the Gregoriana in Rome and Comillas University, Madrid. At the University of Malta, Fr Paul served as chaplain and then as a lecturer of moral theology. He was also involved in the social apostolate, serving as Director of the Centre for Faith and Justice in Malta and with the Jesuit Refugee Service in Malta between 2005 and 2008. From 1996 to 2002 and from 2008 to 2014 Fr Paul was Provincial of Malta. He participated in the 35th General Congregation. Ever since 2015 Fr Paul has served as Tertian Instructor at the European Tertianship in Dublin.
Fr Paul will participate in the Congregation of Procurators convened by Father General in May 2023 which, after 8 days of Spiritual Exercises, will review the state of the Universal Society and consider whether to convene a General Congregation.