Magis, Call for Application for a Project Leader for the mission in Sri Lanka

MAGIS Foundation-E.T.S is selecting an AICS project leader to join its operations in Sri Lanka.
Place of work: Sri Lanka
Duration: 2 years
Type of contract: Co.Co.Co.
Date of Commencement: March 2024
Application Deadline: 04/03/2024
MAGIS (Jesuit Action Movement Together for Development) E.T.S. Foundation is the missionary work of the Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus that coordinates and promotes missionary and international cooperation activities through the commitment and action of Jesuits and lay people in various parts of the world.
One can find the requirements necessary, type of job and means for applying by clicking here.
Applicants who are interested and meet the requirements are requested to send their Curriculun Vitae and academic qualifications via e-mail address: by no later than 02/29/2024, stating in the subject of the message “Application for_Project Leader_AICS_Sri Lanka _Name_Surname.”