Meeting of Superiors and Directors of Works: Toward a New Shared Perspective

Fr. Ronny Alessio officially begins his term as Provincial. The occasion was the meeting of superiors and directors of works, held from November 4 to 6 at “Il Carmelo”, a house offering accommodation and spirituality in Ciampino.
Fr. General spoke at the opening, reiterating the main directives for the EUM: the implementation of the new organigram of Governance, the development of an updated apostolic plan for the Province, the development of Jesuit and non-Jesuit Mission formation projects, and the strengthening of the sense of the Body for Mission.
“Father Sosa calls us to a conversion towards universality,” Fr. Alessio highlighted, “to take up the theme of the UAPs, to experience how they help us to go out of ourselves towards a broader mission, as Fr. Del Riccio has already suggested. The critical issues that emerged are well known: those of a great passion for the mission that often becomes immersed and therefore lacks freedom. We are aware of the need for a new personal and community perspective.