“Scelta autentica”: an album by Marco Garbari, Jesuit singer and songwriter

The story of an existential and personal journey that narrates the search for meaning in life: “Scelta autentica” (“Authentic Choice”) is the second album by Marco Garbari, 33, from Trentino, who grew up in Caderzone Terme, Val Rendena.
“Music is my passion,” he explains, “cultivated since childhood, in addition to football and motorcycles, initially playing drums, which was my first instrument.” He took part in several concerts with the Municipal Band of Caderzone Terme and some rock bands. At 18, he began playing guitar and writing songs
inspired by songwriting, pop, rock and grunge music. At 23 he published his first album
“Allo sbaraglio il mondo e la realtà”, with 10 tracks.
In the meantime, he had numerous experiences including significant romantic relationships. In 2014 he graduated from D.A.M.S. in Padua, specializing in music. In 2016 he specialized in music therapy at the E. F. Dall’Abaco Conservatory in Verona. During these years he went on numerous trips around the world, to Uganda, Kenya, Mozambique and Bolivia in restless search of something. He then took up the job of accompanying migrants in a first reception centre at the “Viote,” on Mount Bondone, above Trento.
His greatest desire
“Just in 2016 I experienced a strong conversion through the discovery of prayer and some deep inner experiences.
From this experience of peace and joy I understood that my long-sought desire is to orient
my life to the service of God, the only permanent centre of gravity of our human existence.”
In 2018 he entered the Society of Jesus. In the following years he resided in Genoa where he received his formation in philosophy at the Gregoriana, Rome and finally in Palermo where he taught religion at the elementary school of the Institute of the “Gonzaga Campus”.
He continued to devote himself to music by organizing some concerts. In 2023 he published “Authentic Choice” and is now leaving for the Dominican Republic to conclude the formation stage of his Regency; he will be engaged in the service and reception of Haitian refugees, who live in an extremely dramatic condition.
The album
“It is structured in 5 experiential steps consisting of 5 songs that, linked together, form a concept album,” he explains. “It is rooted in the complexity of an inner world that is not satisfied with what is acquired and always looks beyond. The songs describe the journey of a man who examines his emotions to discover the value of inner freedom. In this way, the journey invites one to let go of attachments, which weigh one down in life. Thus, freeing oneself from words that become chatter.” It is a search for authenticity, it is the consistent testimony of those who do not intend to let themselves be imprisoned by mediocrity and fears.”
The first track is entitled “Fuori” (“Out”) and invites one to take a first step toward a search for life, starting with an initial death scene.
The second track is inspired by the movie “Into the wild” and is called “Veramente me” (“Truly me”), which is about knowing oneself better.
The third is entitled “Iluminazione” (“Enlightenment”), which is about discovering, through a circle of people and experiences, that there is Someone who accompanies us and enlightens us.
Then “il grido degli ultimi” (“The Cry of the Last”) about the current war in Ukraine. “It is not a political piece,” Garbari highlights, “but it favours those in the last place, narrating the inner experience of being immersed in a context of the last, who according to the Gospel are the first.”
Finally, the last track, inspired by the philosophy of M. Heidegger, takes its name from the album, “Scelta autentica” (“Authentic Choice)”. “It speaks of the need to make decisions that lead us back to authenticity. Only in this way can we avoid the inauthentic life.”
Ignatian music and spirituality
“The songs clearly speak of what I have experienced in my life. The search and experience became music and I hope that music will be the tool to spread an inner journey of searching for God.”
Discover Marco Garbari’s music: Spotify – YouTube
Listen to “Il grido degli ultimi”: