Summer school, looking towards the future

From futile complaints to the “ability to hope”: this is the style of dialogue-confrontation offered by the GenerAzioni Summer School and promoted by the Arrupe Institute from 20 to 23 July at the Sanctuary of Gibilmanna, in the province of Palermo. The focal point of the three days of work is the future and the use of methods of participation capable of motivating people starting from their desires.
It is an experimental research and formation workshop that commences from two fundamental assumptions: participation is not something ‘natural’ and spontaneous, but must be triggered, exercised and implemented over time; giving space to exploration and altering the dimension of conflict to allow knowledge and skills to be generated in a collective and established manner.
The initiative, reserved for a maximum of 40 participants – animated by Tiziana Tarsia, sociologist at the University of Messina, and Federico Pugliese, an artist – aims to help participants discover the possibility of encountering procreative paths of change.