“Travelling together in the same boat”: Letter to Card. Grech

A letter about what has been shared together, realised by all and is now being translated into commitment will be sent to Card. Grech, Secretary of the Synod, by Jesuits and lay people who direct the works of the Society of Jesus in Italy, Malta, Albania and Romania. These comprise about sixty realities including parishes, schools, social centres, magazines, faculties of theology, non-profit organisations and NGOs working in the social field, and centres that welcome refugees.
This letter is a result of a profound review of the testimonies heard in the presence of the cardinal himself, during the meeting held in Rome from 30 April to 2 May. “A thirst for hearts that listen in a non-judgmental attitude, the suffering caused by the hurts of life, the marvel of unexpected encounters, the desire to make oneself available, the joy of having found a place in the Church, the desire for liturgies that are alive” has emerged from this review.
“We have learnt that listening trustfully comes first and foremost and that welcoming people with love is a new form of apostolate, which can become a true apostolic priority,” the letter says, “and that people are not looking for solutions but for places of meaningful relationships. Hence the courage to put people at the centre becomes a priority, and vulnerability is transformed into strength. The commitments include, “giving more space to leisure time among us, putting into action shared passions, inhabiting tensions, sharing responsibility in the mission, as travellers in the same boat”.