In dialogo con il cuore dell’uomo
Il sapere è un processo che scaturisce da bisogni e desideri. Andare a fondo nelle questioni non significa trovare una risposta a tutto ma dialogare pazientemente con le domande che abitano il cuore dell’uomo per una nuova comprensione di sè.

Historical Archive
The Province Archive, entirely renovated in 2019, holds the records of five former Provinces in the Italian territory and preserves the historical memory of the Society’s communities and works in Italy.
Visit the website of the Archive
Our magazines

La Civiltà Cattolica
Founded in 1850, it is the oldest Italian cultural magazine still active. It is currently available in eight languages.

Aggiornamenti Sociali
Since 1950 Aggiornamenti Sociali addresses the crucial issues of social, political and ecclesial life by connecting Christian faith and justice.
Carlo Maria Martini Foundation
The Foundation promotes the knowledge and study of Carlo Maria Martini’s life and works, and keeps alive the spirit that animated his commitment, fostering the experience and knowledge of the Word of God, in the context of contemporary culture.
Visit the Foundation website