Finding oneself poor in order to find oneself together

“The mission experience in Chad, which I would describe as extraordinary, is accompanied by an ordinary, simple, personal and deeply transforming experience.
A path of life that I am following day by day. Every time I leave, every day I live in Chad, I am confronted with the first poor person I am. The place and the relationships bring out all my frailties, my fears, my limits. In this feeling of being small and fragile, all the grace of the many travelling companions emerges, with whom I advance step by step along the path, a respectful and sustainable path studded with many “poor” people like me met along the way.
In this respect, Covid-19 has helped a lot, it has allowed me to feel part of a whole in which we can only be saved together, where it is necessary to open windows and doors, knock down walls and break chains, free borders and live to the full the African philosophy of “ubuntu”, that is, I am as we are, I realise my deepest being only through the humanity of others!
This is the testimony of Sabrina Atturo, MAGIS project leader. in Chad, where the Jesuit NGO EUM, through its missionaries and network of volunteers and supporters, has implemented reforestation projects, community wells and gardens, agricultural and socio-political training, schools and education. The Le Bon Samaritain hospital complex, founded by Fr Angelo Gherardi SJ, offers health care to fragile and vulnerable people. For the emergency, Covid19 has set up a medical diagnostic training project for doctors and laboratory technicians. Today Sabrina lives and works in the community of the hospital founded by Fr. Gherardi, which offers health care to the fragile and elderly. For the emergency Covid-19 the hospital activated a medical diagnostic training project for doctors and laboratory technicians.