In the slums of Nairobi to rediscover love and joy in life

From 26 December to 7 January, a group of about 15 young people from CLC-LMS, led by Paola Tomasini and Giacomo Mennuni together with Fr Massimo Nevola, had an experience of missionary work in collaboration with giacomogiacomo onlus in the slums of Nairobi where the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary live and work. This proposal has been repeated every year since 2010 excluding the years of the pandemic.
“We share what we are and what we have”, Fr Massimo recounts. In recent years a strong bond has been created, a twinning that has made it possible to build two schools for a thousand children in the slums of Ongata Rongai and Kariobangi. “We get to know the people and the families who are being supported,” Giacomo explains, “and we collaborate with the women involved in the Inua Mama women’s empowerment project, promoted by the non-profit organization. This year we are also spending some days animating in a reception centre opened by the Combonians
“What we receive and take home from this sharing,” Fr. Nevola highlights, “is a profound witness of love for life, of joy despite having little or nothing, of faith full of hope, which in our affluent world are often obscured”. New initiatives for young people are planned for the summer including a volunteer camp in Peru from 26 July to 23 August , travelling starting either from Rome or Milan, and one in Cuba. Animation activities with children, manual work, visits to significant realities in the field of juvenile justice and international development cooperation are planned. Another camp in Sighet, Romania, between July and August with three 15-day periods will be starting on 1 July.
More information can be found on the CLC-LSM website