MAGIS listening to the proposals of young people

Climate change, air pollution and increased waste production are the biggest threats to the environment according to young students of the Jesuit schools in Europe. This is the result of a survey carried out by the Magis Foundation and Xavier Network, in which about two thousand young people between 14 and 18 from Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Austria, Malta, Albania participated in view of the ‘Youth for climate’ event in Milan.
Three concrete proposals have emerged from the students’ survey: the reduction of energy consumption (72%), the use of public transport (58%), the change in eating habits and the reduction of meat consumption (25%). “We will soon be launching phase two of the project” the president, Ambrogio Bongiovanni, highlights “by initiating formation courses in Jesuit colleges to help young people develop creative solutions which shall be implemented with the support of Italian and European companies”.