Quality health care in Chad

This is the new project launched at Le Bon Samaritain University Hospital, in N’Djamena – capital of Chad, in Central Africa – by Magis Foundation, the Jesuit NGO based in Rome.
A biomedical analysis laboratory meant to be both a mean to fight Covid-19 and, at the same time, a research and monitoring center for tropical diseases – such as malaria, tuberculosis, AIDS-HIV, hepatitis, Chikungunya – which continue to make victims. This is the new project launched at Le Bon Samaritain University Hospital, in N’Djamena – capital of Chad, in Africa’s center – by Magis Foundation, the Jesuit NGO based in Rome, that promotes international cooperation activities, through Jesuits and lay people commitment in various parts of the world, with the aim of supporting local communities in becoming protagonists of sustainable development.