Solidarity that improves lives: MAGIS Social Report

The MAGIS ETS Foundation has published its 2023 Social Report: activities, efforts made, and results achieved, to share the work carried out together with the Jesuit missionaries and their collaborators around the world. It is not a simple technical report (financial balance), but the testimony the improvement of many lives thanks to the collaboration and solidarity of many.
In 2023, the Foundation implemented 48 projects (in 5 areas: culture, fundamental rights, education, peace, health) in 24 countries. 1,678,272 people have seen an improvement in their lives.
All this was achieved thanks to 42 partner organisations and 878 active donors. The Foundation’s commitment in Italy focused on education for global citizenship.
The document gives an account of life stories and testimonies that give hope, such as that of Déborah, a young girl of 14 who was taken in by the Foyer de l’Espérance of the Jesuits in Yaoundé, Cameroon: “After my father died, my family entrusted me to a woman who was supposed to take me to my mother in the village of Kanana, but the woman took me to Yaoundé. I slept in the street for two days and then I was taken to a police station, and I was led to the social centre in Yaoundé. I was allocated in the foyer, which was very welcoming, thank God. When I arrived there, I could not speak, read, write or understand French. The Foyer gave me a chance that I could not have had with my family. Now that I am in school, I can already speak, read and write French. And my dream is to become a dressmaker “.
The purpose of the report is also to share the passion and the commitment to walk with the poor and the marginalised in order to build together a more just and more humane world.