The Magis Foundation: Christmas together with the marginalized

This is the Magis Foundation‘s suggestion for Christmas: “Give a special gift. Make a child in Brazil happy with distance learning“.
1 school kit (notebook, pencils, sharpener, water bottle, glue, pens, paints): €12
The project includes various social and educational activities for about 300 children and adolescents, involving 14 peripheral, riparian and indigenous communities in the metropolitan area of Belém.
Combating desertification in Madagascar
Agricultural training for one farmer: 10 €.
The project is carried out in the city of Antanarivo, at the Bevalala Vocation Formation Centre, and aims to provide agricultural training to rural youth and adults (men and women) who are proud of their peasant identity and agricultural origins, to enable them to develop working methods adapted to the realities of Madagascar’s rural world, and to learn techniques for environmental protection and proper management of natural resources.
Support the education of marginalized children in Sri Lanka
– 1 nutritious meal: €5
– School supplies (pens, notebooks, blackboards) €10
– School uniform: €30
The project, which involves five Sri Lankan social centres located in different areas of the country, aims to create a plan of integrated and joint action to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalized populations, which have increased due to the recent political and economic crisis.
MAGIS ETS Foundation (Jesuit Movement and Action Together for Development) is a work of the Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus that coordinates and promotes missionary activities and international collaboration through the commitment and action of Jesuits and lay people in different parts of the world.
The MAGIS Foundation aims to promote God’s “mission” of reconciliation with creation and humanity in the world, according to the evangelical spirit and the Ignatian style, supporting local communities in becoming advocates of social change for integral and sustainable development.
In a world torn apart by injustices and inequalities caused by selfishness and the thirst for human power, MAGIS chooses to listen to the cry of the poorest and marginalized, caring for their weaknesses, but also fighting against a growing “culture of discard” (cf. Pope Francis) and promoting the values of justice, peace, dialogue and solidarity through support, advocacy, accompaniment and education.
MAGIS, aware that it is not the only entity sensitive to these issues, collaborates with other national and international networks and institutions, both within and outside the Society of Jesus, in order to create synergies and strengthen the actions promoted.
The projects of the MAGIS Foundation, aimed at international and missionary collaboration, the promotion of justice and the transformation of cultures, are carried out in partnership with Jesuit organizations and their collaborators, especially in the countries of the Global South.
MAGIS is active in four areas:
- Culture
- Fundamental Rights
- Education
- Peace