Two-year course on techniques for group animators
The course for those who wish to learn the techniques of group animation has kicked off on 16 December. In particular, emphasis will be made on expressive and symbolic techniques… Read more
The course for those who wish to learn the techniques of group animation has kicked off on 16 December. In particular, emphasis will be made on expressive and symbolic techniques… Read more
In the spirit of the Ignatian Anniversary, the Ignatian Formation Team wished to help staff at St. Aloysius College to rediscover the roots of the Ignatian family in Malta, Ignatian… Read more
Two pilgrimages retracing Ignatius’ steps through Loyola, Aranzazu, Manresa and Montserrat took place between 3 and 7 June, and 1 to 5 July. A total of 24 people took part,… Read more
Photos and short videos are uploaded as a social window to share the life of the Jesuits. Alex, Andrew, Filippo, Giacomo, Lorenzo, Nello, Pasquale, Piero, Raul and Rob recount their… Read more
A special meeting for the Jesuit brothers, to get to know each other to share and to reflect together took place during the Ignatian Year. Among those invited were delegates… Read more
The Interregional Seminary of Campania, supported by 14 southern dioceses and directed by the Jesuits, welcomes 100 young people for formation in Naples. “The purpose of this school is to… Read more
A letter about what has been shared together, realised by all and is now being translated into commitment will be sent to Card. Grech, Secretary of the Synod, by Jesuits… Read more
A major refurbishment of Villa San Luigi, the Jesuit complex in Posillipo, Naples has taken place. Work began in August 2016 and was completed in October 2021. This complex covers… Read more
“Less is more”: this truism applies even in the field of communication. It holds true if the gaze focusses on contemplation, discerning the keys to reality. This, in turn, elicits… Read more
A meeting of the directors of works of Italy, Albania, Malta and Romania took place in Rome. It was a synodal experience of profound listening to each other.
A tradition interrupted during the two years of the pandemic. The zonal meetings of the treasurers of the EUM Province, that took place for six years consecutively until 2019, resumed… Read more
The celebration took place on Saturday 19 February at 3.30 pm in the Church of Sant’Ignazio in Rome. You can watch it on YouTube.