In dialogo tra fede e cultura
Formare persone competenti e radicate nella fede e perciò desiderose di promuovere la giustizia del Regno. Nei nostri centri non si desidera solo favorire l’eccellenza accademica ma anche l’eccellenza umana e spirituale avendo come orizzonte la persona nella sua interezza.

Formation centers
Our magazines

Rassegna di Teologia
Rassegna di Teologia is an expression of the scientific activity of the “San Luigi” Section of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy.

Theologica & Historica
The annual journal of the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Sardinia publishes theological, philosophical and historical scientific papers.
What we do
Stories, videos, shorts, reels, scripts, editing including the analysis of risks and potential of social media, short history, language, usefulness. These are the essential elements of a workshop that Fr.… Read more