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Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus


To reconcile with God, with others and with creation

We show the path to God through Spiritual Exercises and discernment, and we walk together with the poor and excluded of the world in a mission of reconciliation and justice. We accompany young people in the creation of a future of hope, and we strive in the care for our Common Home.

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A Jesuits, a nun and a group of young women and men during a pilgrimage in Assisi, Italy
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What we do

Three young Jesuits
Ignatian girls and boys

With youth

Helping to build a relationship with God and live the Gospel in an authentic way, open to hope and focused on the common good.

A young man praying in front of the Crucifix

The path to God

Experience the relationship with God and relish it. Be aware of the seeds that have been sown and of the fruits that are ripening.

Papa Francesco in visita al Centro Astalli - Servizio dei gesuiti per i Rifugiati

With the excluded

Welcome everyone in their uniqueness and dignity and activate together paths of autonomy and responsibility.

Young ignatian girls and boys gather around a small lake to celebrate the care for creation

Care for creation

We promote an ecological conversion to loyally care for creation.

History of the Society

The Society of Jesus

A fire that kindles other fires

From the first seven Jesuits gathered around Ignatius, in 500 years, the Society has extended to five continents to help everyone find God in their lives and be reconciled with Him.

Illustrazione di Gesù che porge una lingua di fuoco a Ignazio di Loyola, fondatore dei gesuiti
Our founder

Ignatius of Loyola
the founder

At the age of 30, Ignatius was a knight at the Royal Court of Spain. In the spring of 1521 an injury during a battle changed his life.
“He who goes about to reform the world must begin with himself”

A portrait of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

Spiritual Exercises

A proposal for prayer

The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola

As strolling, walking and running are bodily exercises, so every way of preparing and disposing the soul to rid itself of all the disordered tendencies […] is called a Spiritual Exercise.

Book of the Spiritual Exercises by Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Vocation stories

Each story is unique, original, reread with personal nuances. All have in common an extraordinary encounter that changed life.

Become a Jesuit

Recognizing a call

Becoming a Jesuit can be an option. Try to imagine your life in the Society of Jesus. How would you use your qualities and skill for common good?

Young ignatian boys on a mountain path