Per uno sviluppo integrale e sostenibile
Sant’Ignazio inviò i primi compagni ad evangelizzare il mondo. Da allora i gesuiti hanno portato il Vangelo dal Paraguay all’India, alla Cina. Uno stile missionario creativo, capace di percepire le sfide e accompagnare i popoli nel loro cammino.

MAGIS Foundation
The Italian Jesuit Movement and Action for Development Foundation (MAGIS) ETS, established in 1988, is the Jesuit NGO of the Euro-Mediterranean Province. It carries out development and cooperation projects in the South countries of the world and awareness raising initiatives in Italy. It is in network with theSociety’s missionary offices and NGOs.
Visit the Foundation websiteWhat we do
Stories, videos, shorts, reels, scripts, editing including the analysis of risks and potential of social media, short history, language, usefulness. These are the essential elements of a workshop that Fr.… Read more