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Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus

What to do

Know yourself

Above all, you must be able to look deep within yourself to come to know yourself better.
If you have never done this, the following questions may help you:

  • What are you passionate about? What gives meaning to your life?
  • What are your good qualities, talents and gifts that can be used for the benefit of humanity?
  • Is there a passage from the Bible that speaks to you clearly about your life?
  • Do you know any individuals who dedicate themselves entirely to the service of others?

As you deepen your awareness, you will begin to recognise a golden thread of conversation with Somebody.

If these questions appeal to you, attending a course of Spiritual Exercises can help you deepen this experience.

View the calendar of Spiritual Exercises


A vocation to join the Society of Jesus will come to light once you experience the love of God through his forgiveness and through your desire to remain close to Him.
Your life will no longer seem futile, but will shine with His light because He has forgiven you. You will notice this change because the way you perceive the world will change: everything will become infinitely lovable.
The Holy Spirit gives you the added grace to realise that it really IS possible to love:
you will feel totally loved and you will want to love in return.

If you would like to contact us and start discerning your vocation, get in touch with your local vocation promoter.

Contact us


While being accompanied by one of us, you will be able to explore your desire to ‘remain with Christ’ and take a look at the way in which the Society of Jesus does this. During this process, which can take up to a year, we will discover together whether this desire of yours to join the Society is a realistic one. As we accompany you, you will learn more about our style, which does not direct or impose, but respects each person’s freedom and looks for what is best for you.

Would you like to take a look at the daily life of our novices in Genoa?

Visit the Jesuit Novitiate website

Un ordine religioso sacerdotale

La Compagnia di Gesù

Nel 1540 Ignazio di Loyola fondò la Compagnia di Gesù per aiutare gli altri a cercare e trovare Dio nella propria vita. Dai primi 10 compagni, oggi i gesuiti sono più di 16 mila in 100 paesi. Ogni gesuita è chiamato a vivere i voti di obbedienza, per il bene degli altri, castità, relazioni gratuite, e povertà, puntando all’essenziale.

Il padre Generale Arturo Sosa durante una celebrazione solenne con altri gesuiti
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